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Echo Farm raises meat, vegetables, flowers, maple, dairy and specialty farm products like soap. As a true diversified farm, we strive to grow fertile soils and regenerative landscapes by mixing good animal management practices with no-till crop farming and other carbon-sequestering methods.
The farm's sister business, Farmstead Catering, provides full service gourmet catering with all of the ingredients custom-grown and raised at Echo Farm. The catering company uses a certified kitchen on site and has worked with venues and clients from all around the Adirondack Park to create wedding receptions that offer the very best in authentic farm to table fare.
The variety of produce and animals raised here will vary from year to year based on the wedding menus that our clients select. However, most practices will remain consistent on the farm based on our philosophy and values. For instance, we raise heritage breeds of livestock and poultry. These animals have consistent access to pasture three seasons of the year. We also vow to never use any chemical fertilizers, synthetic pesticides or antibiotics in producing your food. The limited grain fed to the animals is organic.
We welcome visitors, especially clients who have hired us to grow their food, to visit us during the growing season and literally see, feel and taste the ingredients to be used at their reception. This interaction is tremendously rewarding for both the wedding couple and us, the farmers. Hours of cultivating vegetables and milking goats at 6am comes much easier when we connect with the people who we are growing food for whether its for sale at our weddings or in our farm store! :))