The Power of Produce (POP) Club is a free kids’ program that offers engaging hands-on activities and a chance for kids to taste and engage with local produce. Last season we learned about topics ranging from nutrition to pollination to composting and interacted with over 300 kids. We are excited to be back and look forward to seeing you there!
Who: CCE Essex and Adirondack Harvest Volunteers
What: Free educational kids activities for ages 4-10, each kid also receives $5 to buy a fruit or veggie of their choice at the market.
Where: Saranac Lake Farmers’ Market at Riverside Park and Elizabethtown Farmer’s Market on Hand Ave.
When: Every Saturday from 9am-1pm through the fall in Saranac Lake and Every Friday from 9am-1pm in Elizabethtown.
How: No registration is required, just show up! Participate just once, all-season, or whenever you can.
Where: Saranac Lake Farmers’ Market at Riverside Park and the Elizabethtown Farmers’ Market behind the Adirondack History Museum.