Want to increase sales, reach a new audience, or simply better educate the community about what you do? We can help you develop a realistic marketing strategy, troubleshoot technical problems, and answer marketing questions you may have for your business.
The Adirondack Harvest program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Essex County is now providing Adirondack Harvest member businesses and farmers’ market managers free one-on-one marketing coaching.
Participants will receive one-on-one coaching to expand skills and knowledge related to website management, social media marketing, customer relationship management, event planning, and more.
A strong marketing strategy also creates a solid, broad foundation for local farms and small businesses to stand on while weathering the storms of variable market conditions, extreme weather events, personal life events, and other unpredictable factors that impact the sustainability, profitability, and success of your business.
Our marketing coaching will be provided by the Adirondack Harvest Program Coordinator, Mary Godnick.
Mary is a seasoned communications and marketing professional with over 10 years of experience. She excels in enhancing visibility for diverse entities, including large national companies and grassroots nonprofits with limited budgets. Her expertise spans earned media, copywriting, storytelling, search engine optimization, targeted advertising, and analytics-driven strategies for website and social media management.
Who is eligible: You must be a member of Adirondack Harvest, or be a farmers’ market manager for a farmers’ market listed on AdirondackHarvest.com. Not a member? Join to take advantage of this member benefit – membership is pay what you can.
How to participate:
- -Sign up for a one-on-one consultation to review your current marketing efforts and develop a marketing strategy to help you reach your goals.
- -Attend an in-person event (more info TBA)
How one-on-one marketing coaching works:
- -First, express interest in participating by emailing our Adirondack Harvest Program Coordinator, –Mary Godnick at mjg339@cornell.edu, or calling the CCE Essex office at 518-962-4810.
- -Schedule a one-hour conversation with Mary to talk about your goals and challenges.
- -Allow our Program Coordinator to review your current marketing efforts, make recommendations, and suggest a timeline for implementation.
- -Finally, meet with our Program Coordinator (up to three hours) for an in-person, zoom, or phone meeting(s) to discuss the recommendations in detail and answer any specific questions.
What we can provide during this process:
- -A review of your current marketing, communications, and outreach efforts and an analysis of strengths and opportunities
- -Recommendations for strengthening or growing marketing efforts
- -Guidance on how to make the most of broader regional marketing efforts
- -Support in identifying your target audience(s) and creating a marketing plan to reach your target audience(s)
- -Help in identifying what tools, strategies, and platforms would be the best fit for you to reach your target audiences and craft the story of your business you wish to convey.
- -Help assess the return on investment of potential paid advertising opportunities
- -Assistance in drafting a marketing plan
- -Provide a limited demonstration of how to update information or create accounts for specific tools, like a website or social media profile
- -Help you make the most of your Adirondack Harvest member benefits
What we cannot do:
- -Create, update, or repair a website, social media account, or other specific platform or tool
- -Create or distribute advertisements solely for your business, beyond what is outlined in member benefits
- -Give unfair preference to your business in Adirondack Harvest outreach or activities
This program offering will be effective through September 30, 2024.
This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2021‐70027‐34693.