“Please register at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/reg…/WN_SIEhPtVpRVeQeVBYqqHa-A
Historic barns embody the labor, charm, and wisdom associated with New York’s rich agricultural past. These storied structures continue to serve as vital farm infrastructure in our present and future.
Join Adirondack Architectural Heritage and a panel of experts to learn about identifying historic barn types and using the revitalized New York State Historic Barns Tax Credit program. Preservationists Tom Visser, Olivia Brazee, and Eric Teed will discuss the importance of retaining our historic barn stock, accessing financial assistance for barn rehabilitation, and supporting the appreciation and stewardship of our region’s most vibrant agricultural architecture.
This webinar will be followed by a Q&A period, where our three experts will address audience questions and comments. This event is FREE and open to the public via Zoom thanks to funding from the Adirondack Foundation’s Generous Acts Grant Program.”