Adirondack Harvest is grateful for the support of many community friends.
Membership contributions of are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
These generous individuals and organizations have made donations to become our Adirondack Harvest “friend members”.
Thank you:
Adirondack Council
Adirondack Land Trust
Adk Action
Art & Beth Auch
Tom & Alana Both
Heidi Brickner
Chazy & Westport Communications
Cloudsplitter Foundation
Francis Coots
Leanna & Richard DeNeale
Essex Farm Institute
Farm Credit East
Bunny Goodwin
John Brown Lives!
Myra Lawyer
Northern Power & Light
Susan Runyon
Richard Sherman (Sherman Woodcrafts)
South Meadow Farm & Maple Sugar Works
Stewart’s Shops
Town of Essex
Town of Westport
Westelcom & Westport Chazy Communications